



Thursday, May 22, 2014


Having fun?

Ok, this is FUN!   CEO keeps reminding us all of commitment to "increasing shareholder value," Sir Alex the Activist Investor signs up, FDA gives thumbs up (twice!), Pona looks ready to conquer the world (GIST, four other indications), AP26113 replicates the Lazarus Effect, the "mystery molecule" is about to be unveiled ("Best in Class!") BlackRock gets the nod to buy a gazillion shares. And still...

Down we go.

We're sinking to pre-FDA re-approval, falling faster than companies with no FDA approved drugs and no rock-star pipeline, and we can't even blame Adam at this point. (He's giggling senseless, rocking back and forth in the dark as a digital display of ARIA's PPS sinks below the dreaded 666.) 

And yet...

Just yesterday, and for nearly a few years, we were at 23. Almost four times where we are now, sans bells and whistles and the CEO mantra and Alex and (your's truly) working out that the market value for GIST is (get this) $500,000,000 annually. 

Games. Just Games. 

In time, all will be revealed. The curtain will be drawn, Japan comes on line, ASCO abstracts are broadcast from the hilltops to the tune of Julie Andrews singing The Hills Are Alive....And the only question then, I'd wager, is are you still holding your ARIA shares? 

Good Luck to All.   And on with The Games.



  1. I will be holding my shares!!!

  2. I dare say Mr. Market knows the $8 million in sales of Iclusig in Q1 2014 was a disaster. That is why the drop, plain and simple. However, I give that a benefit of a doubt because there were only 10 weeks of availability for sales in the quarter. We can give it another quarter to see if it has legs. However, to coin a phrase from the affectionate Dr. Harvey Berger, if we don't make $15-$16 million in sales in Q2, it will be, "game over".

    1. It was 2 mo not a full QTR also 3 EU countries that will be booked into next QTR.
      Judging on 2 mo after a complete re-launch would not be prudent. Q1 a disaster are you serious? I will hold every share I own well into double digits.

  3. Trading and Investing are completely different! Investors don't check stock prices every hour/day.. they check only once I a quarter or yearly! so if any one looking to get rich quick, ARIA is not the right pick. Hold long and add on any dips..GL

