Forget about it.
Forget about the question. It's a red herring. Harvey stays until he goes, and there ain't nonthin' you, little retail investor (just like me) can do about it.
And then, who cares. The science, being what it is, will outlast/overpower HB. It's that good.
And then....seriously. Harvey built the company from scratch, it's his life opus, our little retail rants, our frustration don't mean a thing to this man. He's rich, fantastically rich. He's successful - wince if you must, but think about the life saving products he has produced with Ariad. That doesn't change b/c YOU lost money and are pissed off. 113 works, pona works, rida back from the dead in a combo/tag team version, and the God Molecule (nM), or so we hope, is on the way. And I didn't even say GIST (GIST!) or lung cancer. Deal with it.
And, then...most of the board is in his pocket.
A Denner led Coup? Maybe, but to what end? Let's say there's a coup and that Ariad is ripped from Harvey's control...he's pushed out of the car moving at high speed, rolls down the street, and 2da and BR and the rest of the Harvey Hater's have a good laugh...and feel, well, vindicated. So what?
Maybe you get a buy out. Ok, I'll give you that. We get 12 or 15 or 18 if we're super lucky. Great. I'm up in multiples, and have no complaints. Then again, what if the buy out is at half or a third of a long term value. Seriously. We hit 24 previously with only one partially exploited drug in the system. Now we have two, with multiple kick-ass indications, and a third BIC mystery molecule (we think) to be delivered in the next 75 days.
What's all that worth in, say, two or three years? 40? 50? 60? Pick a number, but it will be multiples of whatever we get if Harv is thrown out of the car and we sell out cheap. In a panic.
I've got time. I'm working, paying the bills, and am happy to sit tight and see how all this plays out. And, ultimately, as far as Harvey goes, neither he nor the board members nor the tutes give a rat's ass what you and me think. However frequently and angrily we post - we just don't mater.
So just enjoy the ride. Or get out of the car. And in the meantime, forget about Harvey. He's driving.