



Monday, June 2, 2014

Waiting is boring, and gambling is fun.


Seriously, why on earth would you not hold ARIA securely and wait for movement north? We’re way better off than we were back in October when we were at 23 because…. let me get this over with in a quick run on sentence in a tiny font, and then  get to the point. 

We understanding the Iclusig dosing protocol better, and can mitigate AEs, the the powerful/positive effect of Iclusg is now better understood – and have been validated; the Lords at the FDA have twice blessed the pearl; patient/doc community has demonstrated that they will march on Washington if need be to keep Iclusig (because it saves lives); and then there's the impressive new data Iclusig’s impact Iclusig's impact on GIST; Major league investors are stepping up to the plate and getting behind Ariad (hint hint…), and then there's 113 and the soon to be unveiled SUPER MOLECULE! (red cape and all).

So there's that.

Now, really, what’s the downside of hanging on?   There are several.
  1. You’re a short, and your life is flashing before your eyes (ok, but shorts aren't hanging on, they are just making noise).
  2. Waiting is a drag. You’re impatient, and you want your money, MO MONEY, now now now! Waiting two months or six months or (God help us) A YEAR is just, well, BORING!!!
  3. You have a better idea, a better stock to hang on to.  But please tell us what it is!

             ...and best of all!!!
  4. Gambling, perversely, is fun.  (But you should get help for that.)

If there's a better excuse, let me know?


1 comment:

  1. Just an ARIA investor here. First off, thanks for the great commentary.
    I'm holding tight, waiting for some catalyst to move this most castigated stock but we don't seem to catch a break from the relentless selling, even after somewhat positive news. Who knows what will happen in the short term but apparently, in the long term, things could look favorable.
    Keep up the good work, TC

